8 reales, lilac.

Ocho reales, Acapulco

Hard wove paper. One plate of 60 subjects arranged in 6 columns and 10 rows. Frameline present.

All stamps were delivered from the same printer in 1856.

Issue quantities from Chapman:
Quantity sent to districts 100784
Returned from districts -6324
Total issued 94460


Surviving stamps could approach:
Survival rate Quantity surviving
2% 1889
3% 2834
4% 3778

These numbers indicate theoretical maximum number of available stamps. There is a small fly in this ointment: many of the 8 reales were cut into quarters used as a 2 reales, or even in eights used as one real stamps. This was a seemingly common practice in some districts since these splits are quite common. It is therefore reasonable to believe that the number of whole stamps available to collectors is a great deal lower than the numbers above suggest. A reduction of 50% or more may not be unreasonable, leaving perhaps less than 1000 stamps in existence. No wonder this stamp is considered scarce.

Consignments and returns from the districts.
District Sent Returned Used Used % of total Ratio vs. Mexico
Acapulco 420   420 0.42% 56.9
Aguascalientes 60   60 0.06% 398.5
Apam 840   840 0.83% 28.5
Baja California 60   60 0.06% 398.5
Campeche 720 192 528 0.52% 45.3
Chalco 840 335 505 0.50% 47.3
Chiapas 840 58 782 0.78% 30.6
Chihuahua 1080   1080 1.07% 22.1
Ciudad Bravos 420 199 221 0.22% 108.2
Colima 300   300 0.30% 79.7
Cordova 600   600 0.60% 39.8
Cuautitlan 184   184 0.18% 129.9
Cuernavaca 1090 330 760 0.75% 31.5
Durango 1140 106 1034 1.03% 23.1
Guadalajara 7540 120 7420 7.36% 3.2
Guadelupe Hidalgo 60 47 13 0.01% 1839.2
Guanajuato 3520   3520 3.49% 6.8
Hermosillo 1260   1260 1.25% 19.0
Huejutla 600   600 0.60% 39.8
Isla del Carmen 180   180 0.18% 132.8
Ixtlahuaca 120 40 80 0.08% 298.9
Jalapa 1970   1970 1.95% 12.1
Lagos 900   900 0.89% 26.6
Lerma 60 6 54 0.05% 442.8
Maravatio 420 41 379 0.38% 63.1
Mazatlan 5760 517 5243 5.20% 4.6
Merida 2100 16 2084 2.07% 11.5
Mexico 24040 131 23909 23.72% 1.0
Monterrey 1080   1080 1.07% 22.1
Morelia 3820 888 2932 2.91% 8.2
Oajaca 2080   2080 2.06% 11.5
Orizava 1060 84 976 0.97% 24.5
Pachuca 990 39 951 0.94% 25.1
Perote 0   0 0.00% N/A
Polotitlan 0   0 0.00% N/A
Puebla 2360 99 2261 2.24% 10.6
Queretaro 3870 226 3644 3.62% 6.6
Saltillo 420   420 0.42% 56.9
San Felipe del Obraje 0   0 0.00% N/A
San Luis Potosi 3420 430 2990 2.97% 8.0
Sultepec 120   120 0.12% 199.2
Soyaniquilpan 60 9 51 0.05% 468.8
Tabasco 1500   1500 1.49% 15.9
Tacubaya 60   60 0.06% 398.5
Tampico 1560   1560 1.55% 15.3
Temascaltepec 180   180 0.18% 132.8
Tepeji del Rio 60 52 8 0.01% 2988.6
Texcoco 80 18 62 0.06% 385.6
Tixtla Guerrero 600 285 315 0.31% 75.9
Tlalpam 60   60 0.06% 398.5
Tlalpujahua 420 257 163 0.16% 146.7
Toluca 1290 777 513 0.51% 46.6
Tula 480 10 470 0.47% 50.9
Tulancingo 890 228 662 0.66% 36.1
Veracruz 9820 362 9458 9.38% 2.5
Victoria 780 10 770 0.76% 31.1
Villa del Valle 0   0 0.00% N/A
Yguala 0   0 0.00% N/A
Zacatecas 6600 412 6188 6.14% 3.9
Zitacuaro 0   0 0.00% N/A
  Sent Returned Used Percent used  
  100784 6324 94460 93.73%