San Felipe del Obraje

San Felipe del Obraje, dos reales.
Cancel Sz722
This rarity belongs to John Stippick.

San Felipe del Obraje is located in the state of Mexico. It was the 51st largest postal district, based on the number of stamps used, and 54th by total value of all stamps used. The average cost of the stamps used was 1.07 reales. San Felipe del Obraje had around 800 inhabitants around 1890.

San Felipe del Obraje had no sub-offices.

The following consignments were made according to Chapman:
  Day Month Year Invoice # Medio Un Dos Cuatro Ocho
Sent 28 8 1858 134 120 200      
Sent 18 1 1859 12 120 400 190    
Total sent       2 240 600 190 0 0
Total Used 1030 2 240 600 190 0 0
Distribution         23.30% 58.25% 18.45% 0.00% 0.00%
Distribution vs. all stamps         0.03% 0.04% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00%

Stamps from at least two different sheets of medio real stamps were sent.
All dos reales stamps are from plate III, and presumably from the same sheet.
The un real stamps are from plate III or IV, presumably from three whole sheets.

San Felipe del Obraje was not a district, but a sub-office normally reporting to Maravatio. It was sent stamps directly from Mexico to meet emergency needs.

More stamps than expected seem to have survived. The reason is that Maravatio was occupied just prior to these direct shipments and merchants there sent their correspondence destined for conservative areas to San Felipe to be mailed. San Felipe apparently had more stamps on hand, or received some from another office, than these direct shipments would suggest.

San Felipe del Obraje did not overprint their stamps.

On average, the stamps have normal margins for the issue.

Forgeries from San Felipe del Obraje exist. A MEPSI certificate is recommended.


Visit the MEPSI website for more information.

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