
Merida, un real.
Cancel Sz 785

Merida is located in the state of Yucatan. It was the 18th largest postal district, based on the number of stamps used, and 16th by total value of all stamps used. The average cost of the stamps used was 1.57 reales. Merida had about 20,000 inhabitants in 1850.

Merida had 11 sub-offices: Espita, Izamal (Ysamal), Maxcanu, Motul, Sisal, Tekax, Temax, Ticul, Tizimin, Tunkas and Valladolid.

The following consignments were made according to Chapman:
  Day Month Year Invoice # Medio Un Dos Cuatro Ocho
Sent 30 8 1856 25 5760 4740 2040 300 780
Sent 18 10 1856 63 8040 6000 4020 2040 1020
Sent 23 5 1857 101   6000 6000    
Sent 3 2 1858 20 1980        
Sent 4 8 1858 113   600 950 900  
Sent 18 11 1858 177 600 2000 1900 300 300
Total sent       6 16380 19340 14910 3540 2100
Returned                 -16
Total Used 56254 6 16380 19340 14910 3540 2084
Distribution         29.12% 34.38% 26.50% 6.29% 3.70%
Distribution vs. all stamps         2.15% 1.40% 0.93% 2.32% 2.23%

10,740 of the un real stamps were from the small plates, while only 8,670 were from the large plates. 6,060 dos reales were from the early (small) plates, while 8,850 were from plate III.

The Merida overprint is approximately 15 by 2 mm. It's generally nicely struck.

On average, the stamps are cut close.

Forgeries from Merida exist. A MEPSI certificate is recommended.


Visit the MEPSI website for more information.

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