Huejutla (Huexutla)

Huejutla, medio real.
Position 6, two framelines.
Huejutla, un real.
Pair from right sheet margin cancelled Tuspan (Sz 578).
Right stamp with short transfer at bottom.
Huejutla, dos reales.
Plate I, emerald.
Tamiahua cancel in blue Sz567, 60/2 points (rare).
Huejutla, dos reales.
Plate I, olive.
Tuspan cancel Sz578.
Huejutla cuatro reales, unused.

Huejutla is located in the state of Hidalgo. It was the 33th largest postal district, based on the number of stamps used, and 32th by total value of all stamps used. The average cost of the stamps used was 1.62 reales. No population data available.

Huejutla had 14 sub-offices: Huaucinango, Huautla, Ozuluama, Platon Sanchez, San Martin, Tamasunchale, Tamiahua, Tancanhuitz, Tantina, Tantoyuca, Tlanchinol, Tuspan (Tuxpan), Valles and Yahualica.

The following consignments were made according to Chapman:
  Day Month Year Invoice # Medio Un Dos Cuatro Ocho
Sent 10 9 1856 48 2940 2520 1020 180 420
Sent 31 12 1856 103   1500 1500    
Sent 12 6 1857 117   2000 1900 300  
Sent 29 1 1858 17   1000 950 300 180
Total sent       4 2940 7020 5370 780 600
Total Used 16710 4 2940 7020 5370 780 600
Distribution         17.59% 42.01% 32.14% 4.67% 3.59%
Distribution vs. all stamps         0.39% 0.51% 0.33% 0.51% 0.64%

4,020 of the un real stamps sent were from the small plates, only 3,000 were from the large plates. It is possible that the first consignment of dos reales consisted of 1,020 stamps in the emerald shade, while the second consignment contained 1,500 in the olive shade. Though the olive shade is not priced in the first Follansbee catalog (1998) it certainly does exist. Only 2,850 dos reales stamps from plate III were sent.

The Huejutla overprint is approximately 16½ by 2 mm. It's generally nicely struck.

On average, the stamps have normal margins for the issue.

Forgeries from Huejutla exist. A MEPSI certificate is recommended.


Visit the MEPSI website for more information.

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