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Tlalpujahua is located in the state of Michoacan. It was the 42th largest postal district, based on the number of stamps used, and 44th by total value of all stamps used. The average cost of the stamps used was 1.88 reales. Tlalpujahua had about ?,000 inhabitants in 18??.
Tlalpujahua had 2 sub-offices: Anguangeo and El Oro de Mexico (El Oro).
Day | Month | Year | Invoice # | Medio | Un | Dos | Cuatro | Ocho | |
Sent | 18 | 4 | 1861 | 117 | 36 | 26 | 60 | 120 | 40 |
Sent | 14 | 6 | 1861 | 182 | 120 | 200 | 190 | ||
Sent | 22 | 8 | 1862 | 99 | 180 | 800 | 950 | 120 | 60 |
Total Sent | 3 | 336 | 1026 | 1200 | 240 | 100 | |||
Returned | -120 | -390 | -361 | 0 | 0 | ||||
Total Used | 2031 | 3 | 216 | 636 | 839 | 240 | 100 | ||
Distribution | 10.64% | 31.31% | 41.31% | 11.82% | 4.92% | ||||
Distribution vs. all stamps | 0.11% | 0.08% | 0.09% | 0.23% | 0.16% |
None of the cuatro and ocho reales stamps are known to exist today.
According to Roberto Liera (Mexicana, April 1996, "The High Value Stamps of
the 1861 Issue"), the distribution of the cuatro and ocho reales stamps was
120 cuatro reales black on yellow
120 cuatro reales dull rose on yellow
40 ocho reales black on brown
60 ocho reales green on brown
The Tlalpujahua overprint is approximately 22 by 2 mm, with leading and trailing dots. It's generally nicely struck.
On average, the stamps have normal margins for the issue.
Forgeries from Tlalpujahua exist. A MEPSI certificate is recommended.
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